Stage 1
Grill Cleaning
Move if necessary, and cover all furniture located underneath the diffusers or as and how the technicians require access. Please note, please remove any small accessories of value away from immediate area to prevent loss or accidental damages.
Cover the surrounding areas with plastic sheeting to protect and preserve all personal items.
Remove all vents and filters and clean thoroughly. Vents and filters will be cleaned with a high pressure hose and mild cleaning agents (if required)
Stage 2
Duct cleaning
Ducts are cleaned with a Rotobush machine.
A specialist brush rotates at high speed and is atahced to a 10 meter vacuum hose which extracts all dust, mould, hairs and grit that may be present in the ducts.
Stage 3
Full Sanitation
Ducts are disinfected with the de-fogging device which sprays a fine fog of Envirocon cleaner which cleans and disinfects the inner parts of your ducts.
Filters and vents are then reattached and resealed.
The room would then be restored back to its original state prior to our visit.